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Abby's Road Part 1
Abby's Road Part 1 Read online
Abby's Road
Part 1
Just Whisper My Name Book 2
Anne Wentworth
Copyright © 2018 Anne Wentworth
Cover by: Dragonscayle Designs
Image attribution: rdrgraphe @ Shutterstock.com / Pixabay.com
WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.
This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Table of Contents
Title Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter One
The lobby at the Betherington Mansion Hotel was beyond spectacular. I could say with complete honesty that it was one of the most beautifully decorated places I'd ever been in. When I'd asked Nix where we were going, he'd only smiled, giving me the usual line about trusting him. This time, he'd meant it. After all that had happened with Rein dying and then my finding out he was in a transformation process to become a vampire, being able to spend Christmas away from my shitty little hole of a suite was sheer heaven. My emotional fuel tank was on empty and before I put foot in Abby's Road High, I needed to regain my strength. If the student population smelled weakness on me, I was as good as dead. Abby's Road was a viper pit and if I went in weak, I'd get eaten. Nix's invitation couldn't have come at a better time and his charm was hard to resist.
Rein had broken my heart, my trust and my life. When the blindfold had come off, it had hurt—bad. In past years I hadn't questioned Rein's excuses for why I wasn't included at Christmas, or holidays, or anything...and all because of his mother. I'd accepted being left on my own on Christmas Day which was also my birthday, having a microwave dinner and listening to the radio. Sad, but I'd taken the crumbs because when you come from a past like mine, you take what you can get or starve. Living like that was abysmal. When Rein appeared on the beach, everything had come crashing down and my blindfold had been torn away. His concern hadn't been about me, or what I'd gone through, but about his mother. Yeah, I understood he loved Marion, but I didn't. At this point, I doubted I'd ever be able to forgive her for how she'd treated me, or for the harm she caused in my life. She'd had me thrown out of school and refused to allow me to be with Rein when he'd been dying. Of course, Rein hadn't died, but I didn't find out until after. His death had been as real to me as it had been to Marion. He'd shattered my heart and I couldn't see him as I had before. I didn't know if I'd ever be able to again.
I believe that once you love someone, even if you fall out of love, there is still a little left. It's like the universe won't allow you to severe ties on some metaphysical level. I can't explain why I think this, but I do. I see that tiny remnant of love clinging onto a person's soul like a life preserver, the minutest pinpoint of flame that keeps burning, refusing to go out. Although I hurt, I still held love for Rein, but I wasn't in love with him. We'd shared too many moments along the way for me to not feel for him. You can't erase the experience you have with another soul—good or bad.
I'd been so absorbed in my thoughts I'd only caught some of what the desk clerk was asking.
"Two rooms, sir? Are you certain that you and the lady wouldn't like—"
"Definitely two rooms. Make mine as deluxe as possible and don't forget I want an ocean view." That was close; I'd almost missed that boat.
Nix nodded at the surprised clerk, a smile tugging at his mouth.
"Adjoining rooms, if there are any available." He gave me a defiant look, as if he expected me to make a scene.
The clerk glanced over at me and I nodded.
"There is a lock on the adjoining door?" I asked, trying to keep a straight face.
"Yes." The clerk rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything, handing Nix the card keys to our rooms.
Not many people here, in fact, I hadn't seen another person since we'd entered, which was odd considering tons of people went away for Christmas and the Betherington was a former mansion- turned-hotel. I thought there would be wall-to-wall people, tourists and snots alike all flocking for a luxurious holiday getaway by the ocean.
"I don't see anyone around. Is this the slow season?" I couldn't contain my curiosity. Was everyone out at some event?
The clerk swallowed, and I didn't miss it when his gaze went to Nix. The man seemed uncomfortable, as if unsure about answering.
"No, it isn't the slow season. We have...people...come through all the time. I hope you enjoy your stay at the Betherington, Ms. Owens, and don't hesitate to ask if there is anything we can do for you."
I turned away, admiring the evergreen boughs, twinkling lights woven through their deep green. In the lounge off the main reception was a sitting area with older-styled furniture in rich fabrics and colors. The marble flooring and carved wood fittings gave the hotel a lavish feel. The room was so spacious I felt if I shouted, my voice would echo around long after I'd left.
We went to the elevator, Nix dismissing the bellhop. Once the door closed, he turned to me.
"A lock? You actually think a locked door could stop me?"
I didn't know if he was amused or insulted.
"Thirsty? Or are you unable to be without me for even one tortured second?" I gave him a double blink, making a face. "It's a mental thing. If the door locks, I feel safer."
"Why would I want to be anywhere but at your side?" He faced the door, giving me no clue about what he was thinking.
I wasn't going to get caught up in arguing or sparring with Nix, I wanted to enjoy what this place had to offer. This was a first for me and I wanted to squeeze everything I could get out of this exotic slice of life.
"This is how the snots live, isn't it?" The door opened and I stepped out before Nix could answer.
He took the lead, indicating I should follow. From his lack of hesitation, I suspected this wasn't his first visit here at the hotel.
"We're at the end, on the ocean side. You'll love your view." He'd tactfully ignored my question, coaxing me into another leg of conversation.
"Come on, you aren't really going to leave my statement hanging, are you?" I waited while he set our bags down and opened the door.
"Snots? You do tend to have an interesting outlook on the rich, Rachel. You do know that I'm included in your group of snots?"
"How rich are you?" I'd wanted to ask him that for ages. Nix had been around for centuries, so it would be logical to believe he'd accumulated wealth.
"How do you know I'm good with money? I might have been squandering everything along the way. I might lose it on gambling, or drinking or drugs or be a compulsive shopper."
He'd set my bags down on the luggage rack. I was already over at the window, drinking in a view of the ocean, and what a sight it was.
I shook my head at him. "No, you aren't like that, I can tell. You don't have any weakness that would bring you down."
The words were no sooner out of my mouth when he was over to me.
"Oh don't I?" His hand was in my hair, tipping my head back. His breath was hot on my neck and then the feel of his tongue against the branding. I felt the tiny prong extensions going into my flesh, but it didn't hurt, not this time. Lightning jolted me and I went weak in his arms. He was feeding, the touch of his other hand roaming.
Then we were on the bed, Nix ripped my shirt apart, the buttons flying everywhere. I gasped, seeing t
he blood on his lips and the need in his eyes.
"I only have a few tops to wear..."
"I'll buy you a hundred more." He kissed the hollow between my breasts, but went no further. I felt his muscles tighten. It was his restraint that kept us there, mine had left and in truth I hadn't wanted him to stop.
"When you climb a mountain, you don't rush up to the peak. You take your time; otherwise you might miss enjoying the journey getting there."
His eyes held me captive. I was spellbound not only from his words, but how he affected me.
Suddenly he brought the two sides of my shirt together and got off the bed. He paced, raking his hand through his hair, clearly agitated.
"I'm sorry. I had no right to do that—to be forceful. Please accept my apology. You affect me..." He went to the window, leaning on it, staring out at the stretch of beach and water. "I know you lost Rein and he hurt you and I have to allow you time to heal, to process, but it doesn't make me want you any less. When I drink your blood, I want more. When I'm kissing you, I want more. When I touch you, I don't want to stop. You are my weakness and yet, you are the one who gives me strength. You woke me alive again, Rachel."
I was speechless, momentarily disconnected as I listened to my heart beating wildly. No one had ever said anything so beautiful to me, not even Rein. Even what he'd said about drinking my blood didn't bother me. Maybe it should have. Maybe I ought to have been horrified about him wanting more of my blood, but I wasn't. It was weird, but I knew deep down that he'd never hurt me. He'd never take me and drain the life out of me to preserve his own.
He loved me.
"My birthday is..."
"I know when your birthday is, Rachel, Christmas Day. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, are you excited? I promise I'll make this one special for you. This will be a Christmas to remember." He'd barely finished his sentence when a bird flew into the window. The bang of it hitting against the glass made me scream. I jumped from the bed, forgetting about my ripped shirt, needing to see if the poor creature was alive.
Underneath the window was a ledge about a foot in width. The bird was on that ledge, struggling, trying to lift its head.
"Nix, can't you do something? Can you help it?" I wailed, holding his arm in a death grip, the glass smeared with blood and feathers. Suffering wasn't something I was good at. I wasn't religious, but I prayed for that poor bird, wanting it to recover and fly off to its life.
He studied me until I shook him.
"Yes, I can." He reached, his hand going through the glass and to the bird. He spread his fingers out, over the bird, his eyes taking on another dimension of bright. Nix shut his eyes, but still the glow came through his eyelids. Several seconds elapsed, but then to my amazement, the bird stood, shook its feathers out and then flew off.
"Oh my God, you can do that?" I hadn't meant to say it out loud, but what would that matter? Nix could hear my thoughts as clearly as my spoken words.
"I have talents," he said. He dropped his gaze down to my shirt, open and revealing a little too much of me.
"Yes, you do." I pulled the two halves together, turning away. I opened my bag, grabbing a T-shirt and darted to the refuge of the bathroom to change.
"I'd better go to my room and unpack. We can go shopping when you're ready." Nix called to me. When I came back into the room, he was standing by the adjoining door.
I was about to protest, but he held his hand up. "No. I ruined your shirt and I owe you another. Let me give you things, Rachel, it makes me happy. Besides, I have ideas about what you'd look good in, that is, if you would permit me to be so bold." He bowed low. There was that formal speech again. The manner in which he'd spoke did something to my insides. It was like walking into a historic novel and suddenly being in the lives of the characters.
"You aren't what I expected for a vampire."
Something in his eyes changed, they lost a little of their glow.
"How so?" He leaned against the door, turning the card key around in his hand.
The breath I took was deep, the same as the subject I was wading into.
"At the house fire, you weren't kind to me. You've threatened me and yet you've been warm and giving and..."
"And?" His face was unreadable. I'd walked on his thin ice, but would he know that I wasn't trying to break it? The last thing I wanted was to fall through into cold water.
"I thought a vampire would be nasty and taking and cruel. I thought you'd be cold and without any need of anyone, but I was wrong." There, I'd said it.
He laughed, his head going back. Too handsome. I wanted to go over and tangle my hands in his hair. I wanted to kiss him, to feel his body against mine. I wanted him.
"It's all yours." He gestured with his hands, indicating his body. His next move floored me. He put his hand over his heart. "I'm yours, if you want me and I hope you do." Nix licked around his lips and his want reached me, stroking its coaxing against my cheek. I felt his touch on me, though he was across the room. I felt the pull of needing and wanting like a thousand ropes lashing us together, never to be broken.
"Get ready to go out; we can talk more over lunch and postpone the shopping. You are hungry, aren't you?" He stuck his tongue out, the little prongs extending out from the tip. "I know I am. There isn't a moment I'm not hungry when I'm with you."
"That door does lock, right?" I shuffled back until the bed was behind me.
"Get ready." He went through the door and I heard the distinct sound of a lock clicking on his side. Nix was making a point and though he was in the next room, I sensed he was smiling.
The room was silent as I sank onto the end of the bed. It was a queen and had what felt like a generous pillow-topper, something foreign to my life. I gazed about, taking in luxury I'd never been accustomed to, but I was sure I could learn to be, in fact, I was downright positive. The furniture was older style with heavy rich fabric and the vintage wallpaper hinted at the era of the mansion. I sprang up, going into the bathroom. It was modern and spotless, but that wasn't the reason I was looking. On the vanity counter was a basket overflowing with soaps, lotions and candles—hotel goodies, something I'd heard about, but never experienced. I pulled the shower curtain, finding yet another basket sitting on the side of the tub. It too was filled with bottles of shampoo, conditioners, soaps, bath beads, and two loofah mitts.
I was going to enjoy this stay and use all of it—every last product, or take it with me when we left and I didn't care if they charged Nix for each little soap and bottle of shampoo.
When I returned to the main room, a single red rose was on the bed, and beside it, a handful of wrapped chocolates.
How sweet, literally. I opened the small card expecting it to be from Nix. I was wrong.
I'm here for the holidays. You need to meet with me. Since he can read your mind, I'll reveal myself when the time is right.
A flash flood of ice invaded my veins, taking over, holding me hostage.
Rein? Yuri? Someone else?
Real panic left me shaking as I contemplated what to do. I didn't recognize the handwriting and since I didn't know who had left the note, there was no point in bothering Nix with it.
I paused, taking in the rose, the chocolates...Was this a test from Nix? Was he trying to find out how I'd react or if I'd go to him? Had Rein completed his transformation?
No, I wouldn't let this get to me. I wasn't going to have any more interference from anyone. I was here to celebrate Christmas and my birthday and for once, no one was going to get in the way of me having a moment of good in my life. I grabbed one of the chocolates, peeling the wrapper. Bordeaux filling and dark chocolate—someone knew what I liked. The rose was a deep red, the petals velvet against my touch.
The thought of another chocolate was shattered by the sound of a throat clearing. I slipped the note into the waist of my jeans before I turned around.
"I thought you might like to wear something more...elegant. The restaurant maintains a dress code."
Only then d
id I realize he was holding a hanger with a dress.
"I have shoes, and everything you might need to go with this. Would you like to shower first? I don't wish to rush you." He stared at the bed where the rose and chocolates were.
"Thank you for this." I swept my hand out, indicating the rose and chocolates. "The rose is beautiful and you know how much I love chocolate." I smiled, keeping my thoughts from drifting.
"Almost as much as I love blood." He gave me a smile that left me unsettled. "You are welcome." But it sounded hollow, and I sensed he was on alert.
"I do need a shower, but I won't linger." I darted, taking the hanger from him. When I turned the shoes and nylons and slip were already on the bed.
"I hope you like my taste as much as I like yours." He winked, walking casually to the door. "You don't have to be afraid of me, Rachel. I would never hurt you, I love you and for me, love means forever."
I watched his form disappear into the other suite.
My heart was doing double time and if I wanted to keep level I'd have to learn more self-control. The dress was stunning; there was no other word for it. Simple, yet elegant and without looking at the label I knew it would be designer and more than I could save up in a year. I loved clothing, and design, but I'd had to be satisfied with admiring what was in the shop windows. The dress was more formal than anything I'd ever owned, deep blue silk chiffon. The material would drape and hang beautifully, and I was excited to put it on, but what if it didn't fit?
A vampire had given this to me, it would fit.
In the bathroom, I stripped off. After adjusting the water temperature, I stepped into the tub. I pulled the curtain, intent to use at least three of the products and one of the loofah mitts from the basket.
Fifteen minutes later, I stepped out onto the softest bath mat, wrapped in a plush towel. This was living...
I'd started towel-drying my hair when I noticed something on the vanity. Another basket and this one filled with cosmetics and not used ones, all new and in their packages!